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Click Here Mixed Minerals 9
Check out the following mineral specimens on this page: Celestine, Chalcopyrite with Quartz, Calcite & Ferberite, Spessartine Garnets with Smoky Quartz & Orthoclase, Cuprian Adamite on Limonite, Azurite on Malachite, Fluorapophyllite, Hemimorphite, Barite with Calcite & Siderite, Danburite, Chalcopyrite with Sphalerite & Quartz, Vanadinite, Copper Nuggat,
Apophyllite with Mordenite, Calcite on Galena, Quartz with Calcite, Fluoraphyllite with Stilbite, Datolite with Apophyllite & Arsenopyrite, Gypsum var. Selenite, Aegerine on Feldspar, Chalcopyrite on Sphalerite, Calcite Crystals on Fluorite, Pyromorphite, Pyrite, Honey Colored Fluorite, Green Quartz var. Prasem on Andradite and Ruby Crystals on Marble.

Rocks and Minerals. Rock, Mineral and Crystal Specimens. 
Mineral Dealer specializing in cabinet size fine minerals
Mixed Minerals 8, page 2

Superb, pristine, gemmy, complex Calcite crystal, pale yellow, bright, complete all around and nicely perched on a small bed of smaller Calcites. From a limited find of gemmy Calcites in the La Florida Mine. Even better in person !!
There are many Pyrites on the market, but most are not of this quality. Jorge had a number of fine Pyrite specimens in his collection.
Very nice cluster of golden Fluorite crystals with purple outer zoning.
Large specimen of Andradite with many crystals (to 3x1 cm) of Green Quartz (Prasem). Only one Quartz crystal is missing; otherwise it would be priced much higher, but it is a very good specimen.
Very nice plate of gemmy Smoky Quartz crystals aesthetically studded with equally gemmy Spessartine Garnets.. Even better in person.
The photo only partially captures the scintillating luster of this plate of Quartz covered with fine sparkly Apophyllite crystals.
Excellent, striking cluster of lustrous and translucent, pinkish-red, euhedral, Ruby crystals (to 2.7 cm) on the crest of nicely contrasting marble matrix. Comes with a custom made and engraved lucite base.
Mixed Minerals
Rocks and Minerals. Mineral, Rock and Crystal Dealer. Check out our high
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Edward David
A great specimen of rhombohedral Calcite on Galena with complex twinning and, with a trimming of yellowish-brown Calcite. Presents well from several sides.
Nice combination of golden Chalcopyrite and contrasting Sphalerite with accenting Quartz and galena.
Very aesthetic cluster of Quartz partially covered with light brown Calcite crystals.
Gorgeous cluster of gemmy, sharp Fluorapophyllite crystals on light brown Stilbite.
Blocky, light green glassy crystals of Datolite, partly coated with microcrystals of Apophyllite and Arsenopyrite. I bought this from a well-known Dealer at a past Tucson Mineral Show and was asking him what were the black microcrystals on the specimen. Although not labeled, he thought it was Arsenopyrite, but turned around and asked a gentleman standing outside the booth, who turned out to be Bill Smith, himself. Bill confirmed that is was Arsenopyrite and I got hold of his original inventory card, which traced back to where he obtained the specimen. This is a great specimen and the photos barely do it justice.

Click here for a video of the "Cave of Giant Swords" in Naica.
Wonderful water clear, sharp Selenite crystals on matrix. Comes with a custom made display stand.
Stunning specimen of jet black, lustrous Aegirine crystals on Feldspar.

Click here for information on Aegirine.
Top quality specimen of a 5x3cm brassy Chalcopyrite crystal perched on black Sphalerite with other smaller Chalcopyrite crystals.

Cerro de Pasco is one of the most extensively worked districts in Peru; discovered in 1630, it has been active for more than 300 years.
A very nice large cluster of Fluorite crystals with gemmy Calcite crystals from the famous Moscona Mine. The Fluorite crystals are covered with a thin layer of glistening, micro-crystalline Pyrite.
 A vug-like formation encrusted with dark lemon colored, botryoidal Pyromorphite, which could be confused with Mimetite, but its' not !

Calcite on Galena
Kruchev dol Mine, Madan District,  Southern Rhodope Mountains, Bulgaria 
12.5 x 10 x 6 cm
Quartz with Calcite
Boldut Mine, Cavnic, Maramures, Romania
10 x 6 x 5.5 cm
Chalcopyrite and Sphalerite with Quartz & Galena
Petrovitza Mine, Madan District, Southern Rhodope Mountains, Bulgaria 
8 x 6 x 3.5 cm
 Fluorapophyllite Crystals with Stilbite
Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India
10.5 x 7.5 x 4 cm
Datolite with Apophyllite and Arsenopyrite
September Mine, Dal'negorsk, Primorskiy Kray, Russia
19 x 15.5 x 2 cm  
Ex-Bill & Carol Smith Collection                   
Gypsum var. Selenite Crystal Cluster
Gibraltar Mine, Naica, Mun. de Saucillo, Chihuahua, Mexico
9 x 8 x 4 cm
Aegirine on Feldspar
Mt. Malosa, Zomba Plateau, Malawi, Africa
10.5 x 8.5 x 5 cm
Chalcopyrite on Sphalerite
Huaron Mine, San Jose de Huayllay District,  Alcides Carrion Province, Pasco Department, Peru
8.5 x 7.5 x 3.8 cm
Calcite Crystals on Fluorite Coated with Pyrite Microcrystals
Moscona Mine, SolĂ­s, Corvera de Asturias, Villabona mining area, Asturias, Spain
17 x 10 x 9.5 cm
Ex-Jorge Diaz Asenjo Collection
Pyromorphite on Matrix
Mine de La Vidale, Asprieres, St. Martin de Bouillae, Aveyron, France
9 x 7 x 7 cm
Pyrite Crystal Cluster
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Province, HuĂ¡nuco Department, Peru
9.5 x 6 x 5 cm
Ex-Jorge Diaz Asenjo Collection
Calcite Crystal
La Florida Mine, Rionansa, Cantabria, Spain
7 x 6 x 5 cm
Honey Colored Fluorite with Purple Zoning
Cave-in-Rock, Cave-in-Rock Sub-District, Illinois - Kentucky Fluorspar District, Hardin Co., Illinois, USA
8.5 x 7 x 3.5 cm
Green Quartz var. Prasem with Andradite Garnet
Dal'negorsk, Primorskiy Kray, Far-Eastern Region, Russia
16.5 x 8.5 x 6.5 cm
Smoky Quartz with Spessartine Garnets
Tongbei Area, Yunxiao County, Fujian Province, China
10 x 6.5 x 3.5 cm
Apophyllite Crystals on Quartz
2nd Sovietsky Mine, Dalnegorsk, Primorskiy Kray, Russia
13 x 9 x 4.5 cm
Ruby Crystals on Marble
An Phu, Luc Yen, Yenbai Province, Vietnam
8 x 7.5 x 3.3 cm
Ex-Brent Lockhart Collection
Brilliant, golden Chalcopyrite crystals with Quartz and Calcite. In the middle of the Quartz there is a small group of black Ferberite crystals. Very aesthetic.
Chalcopyrite with Quartz, Calcite & Ferberite
Baia Sprie, Maramures, Romania
11 x 7 x 2 cm
Gorgeous cluster of chiseled translucent, pale blue Celestine  crystals. In fine condition.
Andalusia is the "mother" of the Spanish folklore which is probably best known abroad: here you will live the magic of Flamenco and bullfighting in their most authentic style, and myths like Don Juan and Carmen were born here. Its varied landscapes, the benignancy of its climate and the friendly character of its population have turned it into one of the most attractive regions

Celestine Crystal Cluster
Puento Tablas, Jaen, Andalusia, Spain
10 x 6.5 x 5 cm
Super specimen of Spessartine Garnets on Orthoclase with thick coverage of dark Smoky Quartz crystals. In Fine condition.
Spessartine Garnets with Smoky Quartz on Orthoclase
Tongbei Area, Fujian Province, China
10 x 7 x 5 cm
Nice coverage of light green, lustrous Cuprian Adamite crystals on Limonite.
Adamite was named after the French mineralogist Gilbert-Joseph Adam (1795-1881). 
Cuprian Adamite on Limonite
Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico
9 x 5.5 x 3 cm
Highly lustrous rosettes of bright, azure blue Azurite blades, with desirable electic-blue highlights under bright light. Aesthetically placed on sturdy and sculptural botryoidal solid Malachite matrix. Azurite specimens on Malachite, especially in large size, are very rare from this locality.
Azurite on Malachite Matrix
La Sal, San Juan County, Utah
11 x 7.5 x 7 cm
Beautiful specimen of blue Hemimorphite.
Lustrous crystals of Fluorapophyllite nestled in a vug.
Click here for information on Hemimorphite.
Fluorapophyllite Crystals in Vug
Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India
10 x 7 x 5 cm
Wenshan, Yunnan Province, China
8.5 x 6.5 x 2.5 cm
Wonderful specimen of white bladed Barite crystals accentuated by a druse of glistening Calcite and with a browish tint in spots due to Siderite. In excellent condition. Much better in person !!
Barite Crystal Cluster with Calcite Druse & Siderite
Mina San Pedro, Sierra de Enmedio, Almendricos, Lorca, Murcia, Spain
9.5 x 7 x 5.5 cm
Very nice cluster of prismatic Danburite crystals with grayish color due to partial replacement by Quartz. In very good condition. Even better in person !!
Danburite Crystal Cluster (Being Replaced by Quartz)
Mina Aurora, Charcas, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
14 x 10 x 6.5 cm
Very nice combination of lustrous golden Chalcopyrite crystals with Sphalerite and Quartz from the now - defunct mines of Romania.
Chalcopyrite, Sphalerite & Quartz
Cavnic, Maramures, Romania
13.5 x 12 x 3 cm
Super large thumbnail of lustrous red Vanadinite crystals, in very aesthetic formation, from recent finds in Morocco.
Bou El Maden, Mibladen, Morocco
4 x 2.5 x 1 cm
Very aesthetic, 3-dimensional Copper nugget from Michiga.
Copper Nugget
Michigan, USA
13 x 7.5 x 4 cm

Gemmy, cubic Apophyllite crystals with light green color and, with an accenting white ball of Mordenite.
Apophyllite Crystals with Mordenite
Sangamner, Maharashtra, India
10 x 4.5 x 4 cm
Illinois Fluorites