Check out the many great mineral specimens on this page: Manganoan Calcite Crystals with Quartz, Green Fluorite Crystals on Fluorite, Fluorapophyllite with Stilbite, Botryoidal Malachite, Epidote Crystal Cluster, Dioptase Crystals on Dioptase, Yellow Apatite on Feldspar, Wulfenite Crystals on Limonite, Pseudocubic Fluorapophyllite Crystals on Stilbite, Fluorite Crystal Cluster, Galena Crystals on Matrix, Berber Agate, Cave Calcite Stalactite, Creedite, Chalcopyrite with Quartz, Pyrite & Calcite, Cuprian Adamite on Limonite, Stibnite Crystals with Calcite, Pink Quartz, Pseudocubic Wulfenite Crystals with Mimetite & Calcite on Limonite, Barite Rose, Scolecite Crystal Cluster, Calcite Crystal Cluster with Fluorite, Twinned & Truncated Galena Crystals with Quartz & Calcite, Calcite with Quartz & Pyrite, Dolomite, Scepter Quartz Crystal Cluster with Ankerite and Tourmaline Crystal with Lepidolite.
Rocks and Minerals. Rock, Mineral and Crystal Specimens.
Mineral Dealer specializing in cabinet size fine minerals
Pseudocubie Wulfenite Crystals with Mimetite & Calcite on Limonite
San Juan Poniente, Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico
7.5 x 7 x 1.5 cm
Cuprian Adamite Crystals on Limonite
Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico
7 x 5 x 1 cm
Cave Calcite Stalactite
Nandan County, Hechi, Guangxi, China
11.5 x 7 x 5 cm
Wulfenite Crystals on Limonite
Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mecico
7.5 x 5 x 2 cm
Creedite Crystals on Matrix
Henderson Mine, Clear Creek County, Colorado, USA
11 x 9.5 x 3 cm
Chalcopyrite with Quartz, Pyrite & Calcite
Boldut Mine, Cavnic, Maramures, Romania
12 x 9.5 x 4 cm
Calcite with Quartz & Pyrite
Boldut Mine, Cavnic, Maramures, Romania
11.5 x 10.5 x 4.5 cm
Stibnite Crystals with Calcite on Calcite Matrix
Herja Mine, Maramures, Romania
10 x 6 x 5 cm
An unusually large Cluster (Ball) og glassy Scolecite crystals. Very aesthetic and in very good condition. Not as fragile as it looks, but shedding of a few crystals during shipment is to be expected - but will be barely noticed.
A large rose-like formation of Barite crystals with sand inclusions. Very nice specimen and in very good condition.
An aesthetic combination of golden pseudocubic Wulfenite crystals and grass green boytryoidal Mimetite crystals with minor Calcite on Limonite. In very good condition.
Nice specimen of Cuprian Adamite on Limonite. In very good condition.
Nice coverage of "sandwich" style Wulfenite crystals on Limonite. In very good condition.
Beautiful stalactitic Calcite formation. In fine condition.
Relatively rare botryoidal, lavender Creedite crystals on matrix. In very good condition.
Two halves of a Berber Agate from Moroccq. Very colorful and in fine condition.
Attractive lustrous crystals of Chalcopyrite measuring to 0.5 cm and sparkling Quartz points. Many of the Quartz crystals have Calcite rhombs crowning their tips. Also, some monor Pyrite. In very good condition.
Sprays of Stibnite crystals with good metalllic luster and partially coated with Calcite rhombs on a matrix of Calcite. Very aesthetic and in very good condition.
Creamy crystals of Calcite measuring to 1.0 cm with Quartz on a Pyrite matrix. The larger Quartz points are trimmed with Calcite. In very good condition.
A large, very aesthetic combination of snow white Manganoan Calcite crystals measuring to 7x5x1 cm with glassy Quarts points. In very good condition.
Sea green Fluorite crystals on solid Fluorite. Composition of the browish growth is not determined.
In good condition.
Lustrous green, translucent crystals of Fluorapophyllite with creamy tips on a Stilbite covered matrix. In very good condition.
Nice plate of botryoidal, grass green Malachite. In good condition.
Pretty cluster of lustrous, translucent, dark green Epidote crystals on Epidote matrix. Most of the crystals are double terminated. In very good condition.
Dark green, gemmy, lustrous Dioptase crystals on Dioptase matrix. In very good condition.
Gemmy, yellow Apatite crystals on Feldspar. In very good condition.
Two beautiful sprays of glassy, gemmy, bi-colored, tetragonal Fluorapophyllite crystals are aesthetically set on creamy Stilbite crystals. Very nice and in very good condition.
Beautiful cluster of gemmy to highly translucent, glassy crystals of Fluorite from the Jaimina Mine. In fine condition.
Complex crystals of lustrous Galena on matrix. In very good condition.
Nice specimen of pink Quartz. In very good condition.
Attractive cluster of rich, day-glo green, translucent Fluorite crystals. In very good condition.
A large, complex, formation of translucent, light smoky colored Calcite with associated purple Fluorite. In Very good condition.
Translucent Dolomite crystals on matrix. In good condition.
Aesthetic formation of sceptor Quartz crystals with Ankerite. In very good condition.
Tourmaline Crystal with Lepidolite
Himalaya Mine, San Diego, California, USA
5.7 x 3.6 x 3.5 cm
Beautiful purple Tourmaline crystal with a golden termination and adorned with hexagonal "books" of Lepidolite from the famous Himalaya Mine. In very good condition. The white line
along the top third of the crystal is not a repair - it is a superficial minor surface fracture.